Wall Restoration Workshop, Franktown, Ontario



Dry Stone Canada is pleased to announce we will be hosting a walling workshop at St. James Anglican Church in the village of Franktown (east of Perth, Ontario). 

The historic church requires 75 feet of their 180 ft historic dry stone wall repaired. The wall is 2 ft. wide and 4 ft high with round stones on the top as copes.

The focus of this workshop will be on the application of dry stone walling principles for the preservation of historic stone walls. Last year we removed several sections that were at risk of falling over, and rebuilt a portion. This year we will continue with the restoration. Pictured below is the rebuilt portion.

The workshop will take place at the same time as the Franktown Lilac Festival (Saturday only).

This two-day workshop is suitable for beginners and intermediate wallers. No tools are required.

Workshops include a maximum of 12 registered participants.

Fee: $200.00

Our Host

St. James Anglican Church in Franktown, Ontario

St. James is recognized as one of the oldest Anglican churches in Eastern Ontario in continuous use. The cornerstone of the church was laid in 1822 and completed in 1827.

St. James became part if the Clayton Parish, sharing its Rector with St. George’s in Clayton, and St. John’s in Innisville. However, this little stone church still stands as a memorial to the hardy pioneers who built it.

About Franktown and the Lilac Festival

The quaint hamlet of Franktown (on HWY 15, north of Smith Falls, Ontario) in Beckwith Township plays host each year to a festival that celebrates an explosion of fragrant colour! The Franktown Lilac Festival takes place in the heart of the hamlet, with many activities at Centennial Hall, 152 Church Street. Start things off with a hearty pancake breakfast, then take part in the children’s bike parade, followed by an afternoon of music. Enjoy a wagon ride to see the sights. Franktown was established in 1818-19 as the site of a supply store between Richmond and Perth and has a rich history with many examples of compelling eastern Ontario architecture along its famous Lilac Lane. Free admission.

Location: 28 Church St, Beckwith, ON


Schedule and Preparation


9:00: Overview and site work begins
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Review and continue work
16:00 End of day one

9:00: Review work and continue
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Review and continue
16:00 Final photo and workshop close

*Lunch and snacks are included

Required Equipment

  • Safety glasses
  • Safety boots (if you have them)
  • Gloves (don’t bring expensive gloves they get shredded just as quickly as the cheap ones)
  • Appropriate clothing – We work in all weather conditions

Directions and Accommodations

How to Get There

St. James Anglican Church

Where to Stay

The village of Franktown is situated near Smith Falls, Perth, and Almont. All of which have plenty of options for accommodations.

How to Sign Up

Step One: Fill Out the Registration Form Online

Use this form to register for the workshop. It will open in a new tab or window. Return to this page once you are done..

Step Two: Review and Sign the Waiver Online

Review and sign the workshop waiver.

Step Three: Submit Your Payment

Select this workshop in the online payment form at the bottom of this page and click Add to Cart. You will be taken to our Store checkout for payment options.